Now is the Time!

Podcast with Cindy Nicolson and Jo Lee | 3rd August 2024

Cindy Nicolson from The ‘Embracing Grace’ Podcast is having a real and honest conversation with Jo Lee about stepping into something new.

Jo’s message in the video "NOW IS THE TIME To Step into your IDENTITY and PURPOSE in Christ!" is a heartfelt and powerful call to embrace your true self and divine purpose. As a passionate speaker and lover of Jesus, she encourages us to break free from self-doubt and embrace our God-given identity. Casting aside fears and limitations, we ARE created for greatness and equipped with everything we need to make a profound impact.

Are you seeking to deepen your faith and live a life of purpose?

You can subscribe to: Embracing Grace Podcast

You can also find out more about Cindy Nicolson, her coaching hub and sign up for her newsletter:


Wow, Jo’s message is one of empowerment, faith, and transformation, calling us as woman and believers to align our lives with God's plan and make a meaningful impact our communities. This is life changing!!

Here are some questions to think about whilst you enjoy one of Jo’s favourite songs.

  1. How has Jo’s message influenced your understanding of your identity and purpose in Christ, and what steps can you take to more fully embrace this identity in your daily life?

  2. What fears or limitations have been holding you back from stepping into your God-given purpose, and how can you begin to overcome them with the insights gained from this podcast?


God’s Purpose in Every Season


Your Life Matters