Sitting at the feet of Jesus

Talk by Hayley Braun| 16th December 2023

Let’s do this

Before you listen, ask Holy Spirit to highlight anything from the talk that He wants to highlight and meet in you.

  • Maybe you’re allowing your past, or others, to define who you are – allow Him to meet you in that place, bring healing and speak His truth over you.

  • Maybe there’s a part of you that you’re not loving – ask Him to show you, then allow Him into that place and surrender it to Him.

  • Maybe you want to pour out extravagant worship at His feet, or just sit and receive His incredible love for you.

There’s always a beautiful exchange – as we lay our stuff at His feet, He always meets us with His BEST for us.

As Hayley ministers at the end, I bless you to receive all that God has for you; that Holy Spirit will reveal and minister His freedom to you. You’re amazing and He’s excited to partner with you!


RISE “NOW” Conference 2024


Open Heaven